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About Mindy 

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Mindy McAlindon is a Christian conservative wife and mother of four. She and her family live in Centerton and attend church at Northwest Fellowship in Bentonville.


Fighting for strong families, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility are what drove Mindy to run for office and they are they issues she led on in the General Session 2023.


Working for all constituents, Mindy authored key non-partisan legislation:

  • First in the nation, non-partisan legislation to keep politics out and to protect state employee pensions;

  • Keeping Chinese spy technology off state computers and out of our colleges;

  • Updated the Anitsemitism definition 

  • Allowing small businesses to file electronic taxes

  • Protecting small town by requesting Logging truck exemptions to go around town

  • Three bills to protect the security of Arkansas elections


Mindy has worked for some of America’s most successful companies along the way: Ford Motor Company, Procter & Gamble, Sara Lee, and Merck and has run her own consulting business for 15 years.  Strong fiscal policies are vital to continuing to grow Arkansas.


In addition to work, Mindy and her family enjoy volunteering in the community, leading bible studies and working with other non-profit organizations.  


Mindy will always work hard to represent you with grace, courage, and integrity and will work to earn your vote!




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